Sunday, June 26, 2005

Doings in the Sky

As I promised, from time to time, I'll comment on interesting events in the sky.

We've had a few in the past week. as a result you may have experienced a change of energy. People are less frenetic of late. They are slowing down, getting ready to kick back to enjoy in the summer's languid rhythms.

The Sun exited social, flighty Gemini to enter quieter Cancer. The Sun's entrance into Cancer coincides with its alignment to the northernmost point in the earth's orbit orbit around the Sun-namely the Tropic of Cancer. It is the longest day (and shortest night) of the year in the Northern hemisphere. And the day we call the beginning of summer.

Around here, where we are experiencing high humidity and temperatures in the 90's, one doesn't need to see a calendar or consult with an astrologer to know it is, indeed, summer.

We tend to feel more introspective, more sensitive, during the Sun's journey through Cancer.

This is reflected in the pace of parties and special events.
The killer pace of June is easing up. For those of us in the special events business, June is second only to December in the intensity and number of events. But the graduates have graduated, the proms have taken place. Companies that wanted to hold events to take place before the end of the school year (and the exodus of employees taking off for well deserved vacations), have done so.

The company picnic season is well underway and so is the occurrence of outdoor family events.
So, relax, and enjoy.


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