After getting home from Saturday late nights' Glamour/Revlon event at 3 am, I was none too eager to rouse myself out of bed for yet another event on Sunday.
But I do enjoy the casual atmosphere of company picnics and so once I was up and functioning, I looked forward to the day.
The Kenyons, hosting the Arlington Mortgage Company picnic on their ample lawn, were set along with their guests, to have a good time.
My assignment? Tarot readings, yet another tool in my entertainment bag of tricks.
I was a bit concerned when the Kenyons asked me to set up at a table on their patio, some distance away from the main tent where most activities were taking place.
But I needn't have worried. One guest found me in short order. Our solitude ended a few minutes later another made her way to the patio and asked to be next. To make a long story short, I worked steadily until the picnic came to a close.
It never fails to amaze and gratify me that I can sit with total strangers, and through the use of Tarot cards, give guests information that is useful and fun.
I enjoyed the fact that I used different entertainment skills this weekend, caricature drawing, astrology and Tarot reading.
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