Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Heads Up, It's Tick Season

This past Sunday I performed at a lovely event. It was a garden party given by the head of a department in a local hospital for his staff and families.

My job? Draw caricatures of the children.
Both the host and the guests were delightful and the event went smoothly.

I sat on a beautifully manicured lawn that overlooked a wooded embankment that led to a creek below.

While in my car, driving home, I looked down at my foot. On the big toe of my left foot was something that looked like a small scab. Except that there was no open skin or sore at that location previously.

The scab was deep brown in the shape of a fat tear drop.

Upon arriving home, I promptly removed the tick with tweezers. I scheduled a blood test with my doctor for early next week.

The moral of the story is that it is tick season. And one can get ticks even on the finest of manicured lawns.

If you are outdoors, you know what to do ... keep your skin covered, use insect repellant, and, afterwards, check your skin for ticks.


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