Thursday, April 28, 2005

"Are you the Designer?"

When your business has an online presence, you receive all kinds of visitors.

The man on the other end of the phone had a faint Texas drawl.

"Are you the designer?" he asked. "I found you on PartyPop".

Faces & Fortunes is an advertiser on PartyPop, a site set up to help people find entertainment and vendors for parties and weddings.

Not sure of what he was looking for I asked him a general question I ask of most people who inquire about our services.

"What kind of event are you planning?"

"Uh, no, I'm not planning an event. I'm looking for someone to design caricatures for mugs."

I explained that that we are not an illustration or graphics studio. Our business is providing party entertainment.

Most people looking for illustration and design services seek out artists who market themselves in those areas. But, occasionally, people unfamiliar with those markets will stumble into caricature artists who specialize in live party entertainment.

That seemed to be the case here.

I had made the decision some time ago to focus on the spontaneity of live party work because I much prefer it to the solitude of the studio. And I didn't want to stretch the resources of Faces & Fortunes too thin.

But from time to time we get requests for sign-in boards and stand-alone individual caricature drawings to be used, primarily, for gifts.

And, so, as a courtesy for people like this gentleman and others looking for gift caricatures, sign-in boards, or other caricature commissions, I built in a referral mechanism on our website.

I asked talented Chicago based humorous illustrator, Marlene Goodman to take on this work for us. View samples of her gift caricatures.

The page contains an online form so you can contact Marlene directly. She will email you or call you to discuss your project and give you a quote.

And she responds quickly!

If you want an individual caricature drawing for, say, a birthday or retirement gift. Or you have a full blown design or illustration project, consider Marlene.

See our Caricature Gifts page.


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